How long before Hansy Pansy the Drama Queen began acting up with his new fake name? 7 Days. That was all he could stand. First game? Pretending he's not Hans and getting offended when people notice he's posting the same CRAP all over again:
Yes, it's LET'S START AN ARGUMENT, LET'S CALL ATTENTION TO MYSELF "HANS." Zinhof's shoutbox was running too smoothly for 7 days, and despite the obvious garbage downloads as WIlSUN, and the give-away that it's HANSZUN, he had to start fighting and fretting again.
One of his favorite games to make people forget he's an obnoxious liar, a nasty bastard, the inventor of hate blogs, the "Ayatollah" and 'Blogfather" and Mr. "My way or the Highway," is to become the schizoid drag queen ready to offer anything to anybody greedy and stupid and immoral enough to STILL want to give him the attention he craves.
"I WILL DO IT FOR YOU!" says Drag Queen Hansy Pansy.
The only problem is that "HANS" is a sado-masochist, and a hateful creep, so as soon as one moron starts drooling, "I will do it for you" can be a day, two days, or NEVER Or, "my way or the highway," which is wait until he's good and ready. He can never have enough attention, and once people start asking for things, he brushes them off with the lamest excuses:
Yeah, what a "good egg," what a "nice guy." This limp dick old nutjob lies in bed with his iphone reading posts, JUST to tell people he's too lazy to download something and do a favor?
You can bet if there was something he wanted to download (despite his TINNITUS) he'd be downloading it and giggling like a schoolgirl. But doing favors for people who don't say THANK YOU enough, well, "in bed already." Wait.
Speaking of TINNITUS, back in 2018 he declared he was 75 on this Dutch tinnitus website. Now he's claiming, years later, that he's JUST turning 75? Awww, he wants "Happy Birthday" wishes, huh? But Hansy will tell you the blogs about him are all LIES, and he NEVER lies.
Here, he claims that his tinnitus sounds like a "whistling tea kettle." A minor complaint, but drama queen Hans has cried, over and over, about being unable to listen to music anymore, and he merely comes by to offer downloads to people. (A day later he forgets this big lie, and asks "will some kind person help me save iTunes Euros and upload....")
Maybe for his alleged 75th Birthday some "kind person" will give him a gift certificate to a Badhoevedorp dress and lingerie shop. Don't you get the idea that "HANS" sits around in pretty bad drag as he drools over Brian Wilson music and "soft" jazz and anything that has to do with shitty music sung by cowboys?
"HANS" has always been a nasty bastard...stealing records out of pubicists' offices, lying about his position at SONY in order to get free tickets, then lying to a few drug-addicted retards from XTC and Talking Heads so they'd let him hang around. Oh sure, "HANS" is the A&R guy, and he'll make one-hit wonders and no-hit wonders superstars in Holland. Ha ha Hansy Pansy!
He's only gotten worse but maybe part of the blame is that he's always falling downstairs, getting mysterious diseases, and smacking his noggin into windshields. Any time he bleeds, he makes up a story to BORE the hell out of the shoutbox. Remember this one?
Maybe some people want him back because of his INCREDIBLE wit and sense of humor:
"all my posts are guaranteed crap free,and dont need bandages."
Ah yes, English is a Third language. Or make that TURD language. He just LOVES to clutter the shoutbox with this drivel.
Now and then a bottom feeder will ignore the obnoxiousness of Hansy's behavior, and how he's started all over with a new alias, because...because.....uh....because...
Just one of those creeps who drops by to download and NEVER posts an upload. Just another idiot who wants to do something nice for Hansy. Yeah, Hansy, who has teased his "wall of tapes" for over a decade without EVER downloading anything except XTC shit and Talking Heads fag-crap.
always some dummy who'd sell his soul to the devil
for FLAC downloads from Hansy....either for stuff ANYBODY can find
EVERYWHERE, or junk that the drooling downloader simply wants because
downloading is such a great game while LISTENING to any of it is too
darn difficult, ay? There's always a Neville Chamberlain ready to make a
deal with Hitler, or a Dubya telling the world that 'Pooty-Poot" is a
swell guy. Just tremble like Dorothy in front of the
Wizard of OZ, ask politely, and maybe you won't get "i'm in bed" or
"i'll see what I can do" or get ignored completely.
"Good morning good sir." Do you suppose the prison guards address Chapman that way?
Or Madam. Listen, if you want a shrill pig being idiotic, just download "The Muppet Show" from some "kind person" and stop sniffing around Hansy's gouda-and-cum-dropping hairy asshole.
A bigger question to ask limp dick Senile Hans, is why Zinhof, who barely ever writes anything because he can't speak English, keeps this idiot around. What hold does Limp Dick Wilsun have over the Croatian Scrotum? "I'll tell everyone you haunt forums as ECwashere stealing posts, then upping them as your own, with stolen discriptions from All Music..." Nah, that wouldn't be it. It might be something far more nefarious. Or, nay, fairy-ous.
Hanzie Hitler declared, as Hanszun, "BLOGGING SAVED MY LIFE!" Yes, by turning an obscure Dutch blob of cheese into "The Blogfather," deleting the competition, raging at any comments or suggestions ("I hope you die of AIDS with EBOLA") and screaming for his brown-shirted fans to find the address and phone number of totally innocent and harmless people (Spike Priggen, anyone?) and "GET HIM."
When all else fails, Little Boy Hans plays dead. Aww, too bad "it's only a play." There have been dozens of posts like THIS one:
Poor Hansy. A few people are so glad he keeps coming back.