What's NEW with the Lonesome Monster, Badhoevedorp's leper, JOHANNES (JOANNE) DE VENTE?
Or SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE or S.J. DEVEVENTE or -- right, Rumpleforeskin DeVente? The man of a thousand FREE BLOGS and dopey names....
He's telling the world that he does not like to be called HANZIE. As if anyone cares what his idiot name is! Is it DOUG? Is it UNIT? Is it 2020?
YAWN. Did anyone respond? NO. His "full name" he now insists is Hans De Vente but he's also fessed up to Sake Johannes De Vente. Still, nobody responds.
This narcissistic nitwit thinks people are going to send him a birthday card in Badhoevedorp, and want to make sure it gets to him? They'd be more likely to send a letter bomb.
Did they respond when, a day earlier, he was using his lame alias 2020 and telling the world, in his garbled and pathetic attempt at "ENGLISH" that him is big friends with Talking Heads?
"talking heads...friends of me since 1978."
ANYONE believe it? The LIAR Hans DeVente? The pathetic babbling blubber-lip?
Aside from licking the arse of nitwit strangers he bribes to like him, like "LOTELING" or greasy little piss slave JOAO ALBA, he spends his time posting old garbage nobody wants, and telling LIES.
That is, when he's not being an obnoxious witless RACIST making fun of blacks and Jews. But we all know his parents were Nazi sympathezers.
HANS DEMENTED has NOTHING to show that anybody famous liked him or could even stand him. He pestered a few people for autographs. SO? He flashed fake Sony Nederlands credentials and LIED about how he was an important A&R man and so BRIEFLY got backstage to sweat on top of Andy Partridge or some other guy nobody under 60 ever heard of.
As soon as they learned the truth, they TOLD HIM OFF, and did what hundreds of have done on the Internet -- AVOIDED HIM LIKE A DOG TURD ON THE SIDEWALK.
"friends of me since 1978." Sure. Sure. The TALENTED Hans De Vente who CLAIMS he has sung with David Byrne and sung with Andy Partridge, except this fat load has NEVER made a demo, NEVER gotten up on a stage to sing for ANYONE, and has a high-pitched girlish voice and can't sing a note.
Crybaby HANDZIE is now going back to his game of threatening to run away from home again (home being behind Zinhoff's skirt). "THE END IS NEAR."
He posts a BORING picture of Homer Simpson (who cares?) and once again posts his oh-so-funny spelling of COUNTRY music, and gives away the same old sack of cow shit as always.
This is what he does while death comes for him, closer and closer. HE TRIES TO BORE EVERYONE TO DEATH with his tedious games, his tedious witless boasting, his tedious new identities, and yet another BLAAAAAAAAAAAG.
Pathetic Loser.
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