Tuesday, February 9, 2021


 Fact: SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE, alias "HANS DEVENTE" tricked his way into the offices of publicists, STOLE records out of their offices, was NOT authorized to demand free tickets to shows, and most certainly was NOT in a power position (as he claimed) to make big European deals for XTC or TALKING HEADS or any other group he tricked into letting him go backstage.

THAT IS WHY SONY FIRED HIM. ON HIS BIRTHDAY.  They also noticed that he was using his SONY.NL email on social media to rage at people for not sending him BEACH BOYS VHS ("for cost of the tape and postage"). 

Here's a photo of proud, smirking HANSY when he was conning the drummer from TALKING HEADS into thinking he was a real powerhouse at SONY NEDERLANDS. 

The ONLY items on this blog that are Photoshopped are some of the photos of Ugly Blubberlip Hans. Nothing else. 

Here's HANSY PANSY lying about being a singer and being some kind of featured singer. This ain't Photoshopped, and any of Hansy's ridiculous admirers at Zinhof's shoutbox know it. They are just so naive they BELIEVE this sociopathic egomaniac:


Yeah, yeah. Andy Partridge told his fans that he regretted EVER meeting Hans, but that Hans followed the band around like a big fat St. Bernard, sniffing and yelping, and being too slavish to kick in the ass or yell at. 

Pathetic useless loser HANS is a SINGER? Where's his SOLO album? Didn't SONY want to sign him? Or Strictly Country Music? 

The big LIE is that Hans DID NOT SING on "English Settlement." He is credit, on ONE TRACK (the racist one full of African stereotypes ... and Hansy hates blacks you know) with making "animal sounds." And you can't even hear them! 

Meanwhile he continues to flog his association with TALKING HEADS and XTC, while throwing in...oh, his latest lie is that he did NOT die from COVID (which he never had, of course, but drew a sympathetic response from one or two shoutbox gullibles). NOW he has LEUKEMIA.


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