Monday, July 15, 2019
Hans DeVente STEALS it and makes it HIS. All credit to HIM:
Yes, this is HANS DE VENTE, the same old SAME OLD for 15 years. He has always stolen everybody else's links to get all the compliments for himself.
Devente is a SOCIOPATH. All he cares about is getting attention for himself. He'll use every under-handed and obvious trick to do it, from sucking up to people to cursing people.
His KLEPTOMANIA is well documented and he admitted to it. He admitted that with his "own thieving hands" he would steal records. Using his SONY NEDERLANDS ID card whenever he came to America, he'd lie to record companies about his importance and get free concert tickets. He'd visit the offices of publicists to make a big deal about himself, and if he saw some "goodies" on a shelf, and nobody was looking, he'd steal them.
Every time he gets caught he starts crying about how he's dying, and how he has a dozen ailments, and he is just a poor old man trying to make people happy.
Here's the original post. The blogger took the time to post five volumes of LATIN TO JAZZ...
Here is HANS, stealing all of them....
Here is HAVE A NICE DECADE, the original post on JUNE 29th
On JULY 9th, it didn't take Hans long to STEAL THE ENTIRE POST and RE-UP IT AS HIS OWN.
He goes into a shoutbox, grinning in his maid's uniform, curtsies, and says, "Anyone WANT..." and lists a bunch of things on the OTHER GUY'S BLOG. IF people say "Oooh, yes, yes, thanks," he uploads them and makes a big deal out of "I only want to help people. I am a good man. Do you see how everyone was wrong about me?"
See how he steals the MONA LISA twins, among many many others
Now he posts his GOODIES as if HE took the time to make the FLAC file:
Hans DeVente brings trouble wherever he goes.
Most people know he's an asshole and stay away from him. Never encourage him. A few FOOLS are gullible enough that if he says "It wasn't me" they believe him. Just like everyone believed the Nazis. "We're not going to invade Poland. We're not going to war with England. We love the Jew."
And Hans LOVES musicians and wouldn't do anything to hurt them, or SONY, the company that hated him SO much they FIRED HIM ON HIS BIRTHDAY.
Santa? He's always been BAD SANTA, waddling around offering stale GOODIES.
He can't ever post without bragging about his 24 external drives, and teasing people about the GOODIES he will keep posting if he gets NICE comments...AND HOW HE WILL STOP IF HE DOESN'T GET THE NICE COMMENTS.
How often has he stormed out of Zinfart's SHITBOX because he wasn't getting enough attention...only to come back with a new name the next day!
People feel sorry for him because he's obviously totally screwed up. "Anyone up for this?" he posts in a shoutbox, hoping somebody will notice him. Anyone else would post the item and not demand people beg him for it first.
"He's complicated," somebody says. "Feel sorry for him." No, feel sorry for all the people he bullied over the years. Feel sorry for the ones he sent UNPROVOKED DEATH THREATS to. Feel sorry for the forums he got hacker friends to DESTROY. Feel sorry for the times he alarmed everyone by claiming a friend was dying, or he was dying, and it was ALL A LIE.
Talk to Marieke! You think it's easy living with this idiot? Too bad autism makes it hard to find anyone better. It's a match of two emotional cripples.
Hans used to joke about his gay fantasies and his "I put on my wife's clothes and she gets mad" remarks on his blogs, but stopped when he got "bad comments" instead of guys leaving their email addresses to "swap photos."
Hans DeVente has sent gay porn to guys he "befriended" in forums and shoutboxes, but much to their disgust it included images of HIM, and so they quickly left the forums and shoutboxes, after complaints to the mods did no good.
HERE HE IS, POSTING the "HARD CANDY cover of a guy he'd LOVE TO SUCK. Hans has a thing for BEACH BOYS and guys with their shirts off. You wouldn't download this crap, but a soft, pathetic old DUTCHMAN loves it.
That's Hans DeVente, still crazy after all these years, stealing posts from other bloggers, bullying and bragging in shoutboxes, and ever hoping to find guys to swap gay porn with. "You like Ned Doheny, eh? I have photos of a guy who looks like him, and he has a big goodie...."
Not a surprise here. Another blogger victimized by HANS DE VENTE goes away while HE laughs and laughs, because HE stole everything off the blog to put on his 24 external drives:
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