Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Maybe it's human nature. Somebody says something bad and TRUTHFUL and people say "No, no, it can't be." Surely Ted Bundy isn't a killer. He's a nice looking fellow. Bill Cosby couldn't assault anyone, he eats Jell-o. 

And HANS DEVENTE? He gives away MUSIC! What a NICE guy. Sure, he steals it all off other peoples' blogs and pretends it's his, and he deletes the competition. But let's not believe THAT. 

Newbies who don't know Hans DeVente the LIAR slowly figure it out, when he begins to lamely defend himself when TRAPPED. 

Did he steal some other blogger's uploads? "I only wanted to give people a different server they can use!" Admits it and makes an excuse. 

How about the dozens of times he's said HE was dying, his WIFE was dying, HE was in the hospital, his WIFE fell down the stairs...and a day later all was well and he was whingeing about needing a Laura Sullivan album to complete his SOFT MUSIC collection? 

How many times did he tell the world he had tinnitis and couldn't enjoy music anymore, and then ask for MORE MUSIC for himself? Lies, Lies, Lies. 

How many times did he come into a forum or shoutbox with a fake name and INSIST he didn't know who HANS DEVENTE the LIAR was? A day later, he's dropped the disguise to rant that he didn't delete the most recent posts in that forum or shoutbox. 

He's bragged about the times he made up hate blogs on himself JUST to get sympathy. The first time was when he was attacking some French blogger who was posting more albums than he was. He laughed at how many people rushed to defend him and vow to harass the French blogger. 

He's Photoshopped fakes, pretended to be a victim, and accused so many innocent people to cover his own tracks. 

He's left "bad comments" on his own blogs just so people would say "Don't give up, Hans" and "That was so terrible, Hans!" Poor, poor, PITIFUL HANS, a sociopathic liar since he was a kid and his father beat him for it. (Or was that a lie Hans liked to tell? He kept insisting his father beat him all the time.) 

Believe it or not, SOME idiots defend Hans and believe in him. But only for a little while.

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