WHO WOULD DO IT? Poor Hans has to be careful. He has made a lot of enemies!
ANY NUMBER OF PEOPLE would want to chop off one of his thieving hands. You do recall how often he boasted about his "thieving hands," and how he would stuff his backpack with "stolen goodies."
FANS of ANY NUMBER OF ARTISTS SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE has MOCKED and insulted might do it. That includes fans of NEIL "OLD" or the "TWO JEWISH BOYS" anti-Semite Hans likes to steal from and laugh at (Simon and Garfunkel).
Perhaps a record store owner that went out of business would journey to Badhoevedorp, wait for the ugly slob to lumber outside, and DO THE JOB.
Hans De Vente has been asking for it. He's put up 100's of illegal blogs over 15 years and boasted about being the "AYATOLLAH" and the "BLOGFATHER." That's what a criminal does. He's boasted of being "on the government teat" since he turned 55, and his "hobby" is STEALING MUSIC and making life difficult for anyone trying to make a living from music. That's what getting fired from SONY does to somebody already mentally ill.
Hans De Vente IS a mindless PIG
It would be sad if RIAA, GEMA, BREIN or SONY NEDERLANDS got their lawyers on him and put him in jail.
He would be even sadder if somebody simply stalked him and cut off one of his hands. This IS a punishment used in many countries.
The difference between him and other bloggers is that HE has sent death threats to other blogger. He has urged people to "GET" rivals. HE has famously pointed to people and said "I wish you AIDS and EBOLA."
He was also a nasty, smirking, cowardly, thieving fat bastard even before he got CAUGHT by SONY NEDERLANDS and FIRED.
He has only gotten worse, and today's latest blog entry from him is nothing but a malicious bit of GRAND LARCENY.
That's what stealing music and offering it for hundreds of illegal free downloads is. GRAND LARCENY.
Why does he do it? Because SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE is a MALICIOUS THIEF.
What do you do with a MALICIOUS THIEF who wants to take money away from the artists and the honest people who sell the music? CHOP OFF HIS FUCKING HAND.
He's telling the world that they DON'T HAVE TO BUY a $49.95 CD set because HE has stolen it all for an illegal download.
The excuse some bloggers give is "you can't buy it anywhere." De Vente shows it can be bought. HE just happens to hate the music business and wish its employees bankruptcy and starvation and death. "I wish you AIDS AND EBOLA." That is the morality of Sake Johannes De Vente.
What is the excuse here? None. This is just a cheap Dutchman. A nasty spiteful old man. A criminal. A thief. A dirty-faced low-life. Maybe he can use an INSANITY DEFENSE?
Otherwise he should be jailed.
But somebody might just take a more vivid way of teaching him a lesson: CUT OFF ONE OF HIS HANDS.
Can you look at the blog post where Hans De Vente brags about giving away a $50 CD set and say that it is NICE of him, MORAL or ETHICAL?
Is this what a 73 year-old man does? Act like a 7 year-old spoiled nasty brat?
No, Hans De Vente is not honest or honorable. He is a cheap Dutch pig. It would not be a surprise if he's done many other things to enrage Muslims in Holland, aside from SONY or music fans or people who don't appreciate anti-semitism or bullying.
No, you can only look the blogs Hans has made and know that this is a criminal.
Hans De Vente is a malicious unrepentant thief. He's bragged about it. He's given surly excuses on why stealing music is GOOD.
No question he's been responsible for GRAND LARCENY and thousands and thousands of dollars lost by his piracy. No question about how evil he is with his "AYATOLLAH" and "BLOGFATHER" antics and his "WISH YOU AIDS WITH EBOLA" talk. He continues to lie, cheat and steal out of revenge and nastiness and the hatred for anyone who is talented and creative and wants to make a living from music.
Hans De Vente might just become the victim of JIHAD.
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