Sunday, August 18, 2019


He's got a DEATH WISH.

It's Sake Johannes De Vente, aka Hans De Vente, aka DOUG, JAN, THE UNIT, CAL E. FORNIA and dozens more aliases. 

Now he's using to steal from

He doesn't think they should make Rapidgator money. 

He also wants all the NICE COMMENTS for himself.  

UNIT in Zinhof's little shoubox again,, stealing from EXYSTENCE.NET: 

 The little criminals in the shoutbox know to ask HANSY PANSY to go over to EXYSTENCE.NET and ITSONLYROCKANDROLL and use his Rapidgator account, download the shit, and then give it to dozens of others for FREEEEEE. Here's Diddy Diddy Didier begging his boyfriend HANSY for music he saw at EXY, and HANSY the UNIT playing GOD:

Devente is "on the government's teat." Holland gives him welfare, and he uses it for a Rapidgator account. He steals from "rich" people like EXYSTENCE and re-ups to YDRAY or IMAGENETZ. 

That's Hans saying "look at me i give you free music and you don't have to go to anyone but MEEEEEE! i have so many friends who need me to get muuuuusic for them!!"

Demented DeVente has been doing this since 2006 when he was BLOGFATHER and screaming "My blog can beat YOUR blog." 

Now that BREIN has enough ammunition to put him in solitary confinment till he croaks, he tiptoes around a shoutbox and sneaks around opening and closing blogs, JUST to fuck EXYSTENCE.NET and ITSONLYROCK'N'ROLL and anyone else more successful than he is. 

The ugly blubber-lip pubic-bearded drag-loving fruitcake from Badhoevedorp is ALWAYS pretending he's in America. No, he's not an American. His "English as Second Language" posts betray him for what he is, a gouda-breathing semen-sucking windmill-brained piece of Netherlands Nobody. 

Here he is bragging in the Zinhof shitbox that he stole from EXY and the crap is now on his new blog: 

He deletes files from his enemies, sadistically tells his homo friends they have ONLY 10 DAYS to get his Ydray downloads, and then he usually deletes those before the deadline, just to play games. 

He hasn't called RYP from "Ride your Pony" blog an "asshole" lately, but he sure thinks the guy who runs is an asshole, and one to doesn't deserve to get attention. Not when it should go to HANS DE VENTE. 

At this point, the SHOUTBOX homos all know that anything at Exystence they can ask Hansy to steal and upload at YDRAY instead. Here's dippy Didier the French Fruitcake, one of several of the Dutch Douche's dick-suckers, pointing to Exystence.Net files. Which then get stolen by De Vente. 

 Right, Didier, as soon as you post it, HANS will download it all for you, and put it on YDRAY moaning, "it took me all day!" Then HANS will challenge anyone who objects: "you pay $700 for this if you don't like it!" Then maybe he uses the old catch-phrase from 2006 when he was boasting about being the BLOGFATHER: "My way or the highway."

ITSONLYROCKNROLL? Hey, they don't deserve RAPIDGATOR money. HANS is on the government teat, so HE doesn't care about money. He's also a nasty egomaniac, a bully, an insane freak, a cowardly thief, and a blubber-lip sociopath.

Here he is, with nothing better to do than download with his Rapidgator account, and hope that hundreds of people will come swarming in to get his YDRAY free version. He even posts a link to ITSONLYROCKNROLL so people can see all the pretty photos and text first: 

Ha ha, ITSONLYROCKNROLL, you do all the hard work, including posting the album covers, and HANSY PANSY has his boyfriends shouting, "We LIKE HANS! WE REALY LIKE HIM!"

Of course, if Hans has a stroke and drops dead,  it would take a few weeks before anyone even asked, "Where's the Dutch Douche, aka Doug, Jan, Unit?" Followed by, "RIP. Too bad. Anybody got..." 

Hans De Vente is a nobody. A failure. A useless and forgettable limp dick ugly misfit. Is father beat him, but should have beaten him to death.

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