Longtime "fans" of HANS know he's a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.
One of his BIGGEST LIES is that he BUYS things just to COPY AND GIVE AWAY.
This is a cheap Dutchman who routinely goes into a shoutbox and whines "Anybody got a SONG I want? I'll have to pay a EURO on iTunes if nobody will be kind and GIVE IT TO ME."
This prick won't spend a EURO on a song, and he's going to spend $900 to give away a Woodstock box set? No, he waited for EXYSTENCE.NET to post it and THEN he stole it away and bragged "Here is THE MOTHERLODE."
He STOLE a boxed set off ZINHOF and had the fucking NERVE to lie about it. By a remarkable coincidence, he JUST happened to post it on his NEW blog at the same time.
Rube pinhead morons in the shoutbox defend this asshole? Is it beause they are STUPID? Or because they desperately need his GOODIES? How pathetic does it get?
Hey, dumbass defenders of HANS. He's been an obnoxious disruptive piece of Dutch SHIT for over 13 years. Check out the blogs about him that go back OVER A DECADE, before YOU decided to pat his poor sad head and feel sorry for him because you didn't know all the CRAP he pulled.
Do you remember how he's cried that he has TINNITIS? "I can not listen to music anymore, but I will upload it for OTHERS TO ENJOY." That was a favorite whine, right up there with "it does not look good i have had a stroke" and "my wife fell down stairs" and "they have found a tumor in my brain."
Yeah? Tinnitis? Every time he's pulled that line, he's counted on MORONS to forget, and just listen to his greedy whine for MORE MUSIC FOR HIM TO HEAR.
He's said over and over "i can not listen to music any more because of my tinnitis. i will keep posting music for others to enjoy." Then a few days later he's asking for music he wants to hear.
Hey MORONS, if this guy is bragging about buying a $900 set of WOODSTOCK to give away, why is he asking YOU for a fucking 2 CD soundtrack he can find on eBay for a few EUROS? Understand? How STUPID and GULLIBLE are you?
What is your answer to HANSY and his TINNITIS lie? Or how he obviously STEALS posts and re-ups them while pretending HE bought it JUST FOR YOU to enjoy??"
Hansy Pansy has been pulling this crap constantly. He relies on STUPID GULLIBLE IDIOTS to say "Gosh, he's giving us shit. He must be a GOOD MAN."
Go find Jon Chapple, who ran IT'S PSYCH, and not only defended Hans but kicked out ANYONE who complained about him. After a while, Jon saw how Hans was using multiple identities, making up insane lies ("I have Diverticulitis, I am dying") and talking to himself and praising himself ("Cal E. Fornia posts great stuff!" "Yes, so does Ken Tucky. These are two real good guys...") That kind of SHIT.
He sits back on his ugly fat ass and enjoys how STUPID GULLIBLE PEOPLE fight about him. He feels like SUCH a desirable damsel.
As for being the DELETER, that is beyond obvious. He uses his SONY connections to delete. He contacts right owners and has THEM delete. He uses every trick in the book and he is MOST PRONE TO DELETING when somebody is getting more attention than he is. The coincidences of when an item is deleted and when HE is around are way too much for anyone who isn't STUPID or GULLIBLE to belief.
It's just possible that there are rotten people in the world. One of the rotten people JUST might be SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, who has used hundreds of aliases, and who has threatened people, created hate blogs, bullied people, and deleted people, and wished people DEAD of "AIDS WITH EBOLA."
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