Sunday, August 18, 2019


We all know HANS DE VENTE's parents were Nazis.

When the Nazis came to Holland, they found The De Ventes ready willing and able to help. "Whatever you want, whatever you need, just ask us!" 

That's what ugly little Johannes heard from Mama and Papa. That's why to this day, one of his favorite wheedles is to go into the Zinhof shoutbox and ask "Anybody need?" 

One of Hansy's cocksuckers, Yourdon (he and JOAO are an item so maybe they all share gay porn by email) quickly squeals "I'm interested in Jimmy Thackery." This is after  JAN (HANS) posted "Anybody want 10GB" and then pestered a second time, "guess nobody is interested" with a threat of NOT giving away the GOODIES.


Hans learned to hate Jews from his parents. You know, "those Jewish boys" Simon and Garfunkel. "Zimmerman." Jews don't deserve to make money. 

Guess what. Hans figures rival bloggers are dirty Jews who also don't deserve to make money. Exystence and ITSONLYROCKANDROLL have become favorite targets because they want to make Rapidgator money. 

Hans De Vente is so insane, he actually pays for a Rapidgator account...JUST to download shit he doesn't even care about, so he can re-up and screw these two bloggers...and get NICE comments from his cheapskate homo friends in the shoutbox.

People in Germany: "Hitler is a great fellow. He hates the Jews! They don't deserve to live here!"

People in the Shoutbox: "Hans is a great fellow. He makes sure we don't need a Rapidgator account and DON'T waste time with EXY and the other jerks. What a sweetie!" 

Here's Hans, aka JAN, aka UNIT, declaring that he can do anything he pleases, just like his idol Adolf Hitler. Remember, Hans used to call himself AYATOLLAH and BLOGFATHER. He didn't call himself FUHRER out of respect for the memory of his parents' idol.

"as long as my posts are good, and wanted, no one cares" about what a creep Sake Johannes De Vente is, or how he's a thief and a sell-out and he'll fuck over other bloggers just to get a compliment. Right, Hans, you're not a useless, half-dead limpdick. YOU give away music you stole. That makes you...WHAT?

Zinhof can't keep people out of the shoutbox. They can get back in, just as Hansy can always skip around with a dozen names, sometimes complimenting himself. Here's Ragnar laughing at the time-wasting pathetic Dutch Douche:

What could possibly be the adult response to Ragnar's truth and logic? 

Oh, let's see what a Polish anti-Semite friend of Hans de Vente had for a reply....

Spoken like a true Polish blockhead; a dumb clod who'd let Nazis rape his sister if they gave him a bar of chocolate.

Smirking blubber-lip Devente is wasting what's left of his worthless life stealing from and using his Rapidgator account to download and then re-up for his boyfriends in Zinhof's shoutbox. None of these boyfriends would donate to GoFundMe if Hans actually developed a life-threatening illness.

Here's Hans using a typically stupid defense against Ragnar:

When Mussolini tortured and killed his rivals, and threw Italy into a World War that murdered thousands upon thousands of Italian soldiers, what was HIS defense? "Yeah, I made the trains run on time. Let's see YOU make trains run on time!"

Here are two more idiots in the shoutbox who figure if Hans steals from other bloggers, so what? As long as THEY get free music! They have all the morality of rattlesnakes. 

What did Goebbels and Mad Dr. Mengele say about Hitler? "We LIKE him!" He put us on the payroll. We get from him! The Jews didn't put us into power. So we LIKE Hitler and hate the JEWS!

And yes, love Hansy Pansy and spit at and any other blogger who has the nerve to use Rapidgator! 

One of the stupid things about this, is that it's easy for anyone to check out what's in Zinhof's shoutbox, and it would be a simple matter to a) make sure record labels or BREIN or GEMA shut it down or b) get other bloggers riled enough to get a hacker to simply fuck the shoutbox up until all of its roaches go scurrying away.,

Hansy Pansy defends stealing from another blogger: "let me see YOU post 38 cds..."

Why bother? Why not let alone? 

Hey, Hans, let's see YOU actually post 38 cds. You didn't. You just copied them off, which took NO hard work at all.

Limp Dick Devente has been a thief all his life, and admitted using his "thieving hands" to acquire "goodies" from stores. Also from record company offices where he used bogus SONY stationery to pretend he was an executive there and not a gofer.

Stealing from and ITSONLYROCKNROLL, taking money out of their pockets by skipping away with their Rapidgator links and uploading to YDRAY for his could get Hans De Vente blinded or beaten. 

Badhoevedorp is easy enough to reach. Dellaertlaan is a street easy to navigate. As to the actual number? GOOGLE is your friend. And Hansy's worst enemy. He THINKS that getting free blogs from them means they like him. 

One day you can GOOGLE his obituary. He does have a DEATH WISH. 

Hans is terrified that the stress he causes himself will lead to a stroke or a heart attack. He can't help it. He needs tumult to make him think he's alive. 

He craves attention even if involves sitting at his computer in his drag ensemble, while a few of his homo friends defend him while a few NORMAL people like Ragnar tell the truth about his games, coquette games and utterly pathetic stealing. 

Hans is scared that at 73, he will REALLY have more debilitating problems than a limp dick. His growing fear of spending his last days with tubes coming out of his ugly nose is leading him to take more and more sleeping pills. He's confided that, and more, to people who actually hate him. There might be more people gathering all the information on De Vente than there are people getting dopey downloads in a Croatian shitbox.

Mussolini was hanged by his heels. Hitler killed himself. "I made the trains run" and "I got rid of Jews" wasn't enough. "I stole Rapidgator files to give to cheap shits in a shoutbox" and "Here are more goodies for you" won't be enough. DEAD DEVENTE and forgotten the next day. "Oh, Hans is dead? Anybody got...." 

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