Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Demented HANS DE VENTE hates and curses Zinhof's SHOUTBOX friends

It's been going on for over 13 years. "Hans is a nice guy, I don't believe he ever did anything bad." Then it's: "Everything they said was RIGHT. Now I know!" 

NOW you know. Here's how Demented Hans De Vente treats Zinhof's SHOUTBOX friends — he creates yet ANOTHER blog for this: 

"I'm a GOOD man," Hans always whines. He's never stolen links from other people, never deleted anything, never cursed out anyone, never went on a paranoid rant at anyone, never teased and insulted anyone, never demanded people give him compliments or its "my way or the highway." No, he's a "GOOD man." 

He likes to cry for sympathy anytime somebody even suggests he do something normal, like stop stealing from other bloggers and then moaning about his "hard work" in "buying" things to give away. 

He actually gets second and third identities, insults HIMSELF, and then starts crying to everyone "See how I am abused." He emails himself insults and pretends they came from people who are picking on him. Then he turns around and creates a blog titled "STICKS AND STONES CAN BREAK MY BONES" nyaa nyaa nyaa, and laughs and says that people who wish he would die are not bothering him in the least. WHAT A PSYCHO.

Remember that he has had HUNDREDS of blogs and he's had HUNDREDS of fake identities and he's been thrown out of DOZENS of forums for being a disruptive attention-seeking deleting Dutch jackass. Everyone's wrong and HE is "a good man?" 

Let's see how this GOOD man who claims to want to do NOTHING but GIVE AWAY MUSIC reacts when somebody actually asks him for a favor: 


The great HANS DE VENTE does not give away music to somebody who politely says PLEASE and calls him "Mr. De Vente." 

Are you surprised that his nickname for 13 years has been BAD SANTA?  He obnoxiously puts people through hoops to get his "GOODIES" and when he tells everyone that he's got nothing else to do in life but give away music from his 2.5 million collection on 24 TB drives, he pisses on people. 

He wasn't asked NICELY enough? He does this all the time. He makes up rules. He puts people through hoops. Once everybody is paying attention to him he spits on them. 

Another game he loves to play is "Hurry up, get my goodies before I delete them. There's a TIME LIMIT. You got FIVE DAYS." Right, five days to get his stale garbage. Who the FUCK needs a complete collection of Willie Nelson records? Psycho Hans strikes again.

Ha ha ha. He is Willie NELZUN, because he works for HANSZUN, the ZUN. Anyone remember how he ALWAYS called himself HANSZUN because he felt he was the center of the universe? The brightest star? Mr. "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG?" 

He's 73 and just as much of a selfish nasty prick as when he was 7. He can't get along with anyone except maybe senile Zinhof, who doesn't remember how often Hans used to complain that Zinhof was a jerk and was stealing musics off the Hanszun blog and that people should "get" him. 

Hans has NOTHING better to do with his life than open and shut blogs, call attention to himself in a shoutbox, and post the same garbage over and over and over. In August he made 27 posts (one ONE of his many blogs) and it was all the crap that people have seen time and again. 

When he DELETES a new blog (like his HOME OF THE DELETER blog, which he made when he decided to arrogantly ADMIT that he's the DELETER), he struts into the shoutbox to tell the peons that they better pay attention: 

ONE of the BIG LIES from Demented Hans Devente is the notion that he BUYS music to give away for free. "I am waiting for the $700 Woodstock Box Set!" Right. As soon as posted it, Hans magically posted "his" version, telling everyone about his hard work, and sneering at other shoutbox members: "What have YOU bought to give away here?" 

HANS is actually THE CHEAPEST DUTCHMAN the world has EVER seen. That's something, even by the cheap standards of the stinky DUTCH. 

Here he is, obnoxiously wheedling people with a PRETTY PLEASE, demanding that somebody upload music so HE WON'T HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING. This is the same guy who bragged about spending $700 for a Woodstock box set? Now he's shouting PRETTY PLEASE because he can't afford to buy music??

"Look in your drawerss, nooks and crannies," Mr. Hilarious asks, because he doesn't want to be "spending" any money. "pretty please?" 

Don't you wish his father smacked him a little harder and a little more often, every time he acted like a dumbass spoiled brat? 

Remember how often he moaned "i have tinnitis, i can not hear music but i will continue to upload music for others to enjoy." Then why is he crying and screaming for MORE MUSIC? And why isn't 2.5 million songs and 24 TB drives enough for the fat bastard? 

He's recently re-played his favorite game of leaving himself insulting messages and crying that people are telling him he and his wife should die of cancer

Poor Hans. Just remember how often he would snarl at people "I HOPE YOU HAVE AIDS WITH EBOLA."

He said it all the time. He said it to people who asked him for music without giving him NICE COMMENTS. He said it to people who complained that he was stealing their posts and re-upping them as his own. 

Yes, speaking of stealing posts, Demented Hans De Vente is still making up his own rules about what is a fair share. If it makes him look like a big shot, if he gets attention, he'll steal from anyone. "I took the Rapidgator file and upped it to my blog. You want to pay for Rapidgator eh? You should thank me." 

Over and over he brags how he steals from Exystence or It's Only Rock and Roll, or some other uploader, and people should THANK him for it.

"i only download his paid rapidgators and re up them as free links....shut up...i am only a person trying." 

Is it any surprise this blob-lipped man-child monster has NO friends in the real world? 

He really does not know how to share. He knows how to steal. He doesn't know how to be polite. He knows how to bully. He doesn't know how to give away music the way normal people do, he has to sneer "go to my blog" or "anybody want" before he'll bother to upload. 

does anybody want dis? You have to go click his link and jump through his hoop to check if it's something you might want. THEN you have to come back and ask him POLITELY to upload it. You might only get an imperious "EXCUSE ME?" Or a nasty snarl of "you never upload anything why should i upload for you?" If he DOES deign to offer a link, it will be "you have to go to my blog to get it" or "email me for the link" or some other game. 

This is why most everyone is sick and tired of this Dutch Douche and his pathetic games. 

It's games. It's lies. It's deletions. It's garbage music he keeps re-posting. It's music he steals from others when his 60th offer of Willie Nelson music gets no nice comments. It's death threats. It's lies about having tinnitis and having cancer and "it does not look good" and "i am going to the hospital" and "i am never coming back to this shoutbox" and "this is the end." 

The end? People want THE END OF HANS DE VENTE, the saddest, cheapest, stupidest, ugliest LOSER in HOLLAND. 

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