Tuesday, October 22, 2019

HANS DEVENTE aka Sake Johannes DeVente - a waste of space who belongs in an INSANE ASYLUM

Here's Demented Devente, his tumorous brain throbbing and about to give him a stroke, unable to figure out how OLD he is. 

Here he's telling his boyfriend SKYJUMP (the boyfriend's new alias) that he's 73. 

Demented Devente also mentions his "extreme tinnitus" which is another lie. 

He posted his driver's license. You do the math. He's saying he's 75 but the driver's license says he was born in 1946. 

Next he'll insist he's really 78 and his autistic idiot wife who can barely sit with a dazed look on her pruny old face is 82.

One day he's bawling that he can't hear music and just posts it because he is SO generous and wants other people to have MUSIC. 

Next day he's doing his dickless coquette act: "PRETTYPLEASE i dont have every soft limp kitaro album i would like to hear these five albums and they would cost me too much to buy. some kind soul has these in a closet?" 

What the same closet Hans stores his knickers and bras? 

How come he keeps sniffling about having tinnitus and then he's skipping and mincing around his windmill glad to get YUMMY music and has all the energy to flush more soft shit into the shoutbox? 

Nobody wants his crappy soft music, his boring Christmas garbage, or his endless games of "go to my BLOG, no my OTHER blog, no the BLOG I didn't delete. No no THIS blog" and "here's one part of a link and another part of a link and this is 10 day so you better get it now or it will be gone." 

What an asshole. He can't be normal like everyone else (people who do NOT have BLOGS and do NOT post SHIT and do NOT lie constantly about their age and health). He is not normal. He is CRAZY. He is DEMENTED. 

this part that part get this shitty music in 10 days go to the blog... bore bore bore bore

Tell us again how your new blog will be deleted and the links will be gone and everyone has to hurry up and pay attention to your garbage music instead of the progrock they really care about. 

Some people say Hans De Vente the demented crazy cheap Dutch douch just has SHIT FOR BRAINS.

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