Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sake Johannes DeVente aka HANS DEVENTE is a mentally ill, sad, pathetic, DEMENTED thief & LOSER

Really, why update on boring "HANS" DeVente? We all know he's like a turd that won't flush.

He remains circling the drain, a sad, lonely, passive-aggressive jackass. He's worn the same little boy haircut since he was five, and he's STILL nothing but a ranting, wheedling, irritating BABY.

The holidays see adults sit at the big table, and the noisy, drooling brat sit at his own high chair. That's "HANS" DeVente in a forum. Everyone else behaves and HE bleats and whines and rants. 

His latest game is an inane "COUNTDOWN" that nobody cares about. He decided that EVERY DAY he'd go into Daddy Zinhof's litterbox -- shoutbox -- and announcing 15 days left...14 days left...and post boring garbage everybody already has. 

Since he's schizoid and insane, and English is a second language, he started all this by saying he was NOT going to post anymore "I will be back in 2020." You know he could NEVER QUIT HIS DEAR, DEAR BOYFRIEND ZINHOF? What else does "HANS" have in his worthless life? 

Yes, typical "HANS." Sulking and vowing to go away. That was December 11th. He instantly began posting his moronic COUNTDOWN crap instead, desperate as always for some man to give him a compliment. 

Here he is stomping his feet and jumping up and down: 12 DAYS TO GO! GET IT NOW OR IT WILL BE GONE! HURRY! Oooh ooh. Everybody else just posts their music without the DRAMA QUEEN dickless hysteria. 

Oooh ooh, "HANS." Like nobody has Pink Floyd albums but YOU. YOU stole them from other bloggers who aren't assholes like YOU are and don't PLAY GAMES.

Here's more GAMES from HANSY PANSY. Known as "BAD SANTA," he doesn't GIVE without grumbling and making up rules. You want my links, kiddies, better hurry. Better not pout. Bad Santa will take them AWAY in 10 days.

Always blabbering, always making a fuss. "BAD SANTA" also likes to upload music with bugs in it and faults, so he can see if anyone downloaded and wants to BEG him to re-up with the real thing. Here's his "Gift" of a faulty Frank Zappa album everyone already has.

Spoiled Brat "HANS" (spoiled by Daddy ZINOFF who loves Hansy's gay porn and has even LESS of a life than "HANS" does) chooses when or IF to respond. He didn't bother to respond on why his Zappa post was defective, or why he wants to "countdown to 2020" and annoy everyone with his naggy Old Bag attention game. 

He DOES like to CURSE and RAGE. What better way to celebrate Christmas than to start cursing at other people? He's a Tourettes Twat. A screaming child. An out-of-control lump of snot with hair all over it. 

Anyone else curse? NO. Anyone else post stupid shit that bothers people? NO. 

Here's more of "HANS" going off on a time-wasting space-wasting shit-storm of cursing and raging. "SHUT THE FUCK UP" is SO "Christmas" isn't it?  

He went on his rant after posting "the allmanbrothres...I stole from green."

Witless dickless "HANS" started off with one of his OH SO CLEVER bits of English As a Second Language wordplay. HO HO HO. The Allman Brothers at the Filmore has to be decoded by everyone. "HANS" the wit calls it "ALL MAN FILL MORE."

Maybe he did that because that's what he likes so much somebody who is ALL MAN who can FILL MORE of his giant diverticulitis-festering ANUS. 

Zzzzzz. No wonder almost everybody ignores the Rotted-Gouda-For-Brains cheap Dutch asshole. How CHEAP is this Dutchman?

Remember when he was boasting how he paid HUNDREDS of dollars for Japanese AOR garbage JUST to give away? And that WOODSTOCK boxed set? Here he is, the Cheap Dutchman who won't pay for a download from iTunes: 

Cheap "HANS." Anything else? He's GAY too. "Nothing wrong with that," except he won't step out of the closet. He has no children, has a sexless marriage, married a brain-addled mostly-silent MOMMY WIFE who just scolds him like the five-year-old he is. He hates women, makes bad jokes about them, never posts FEMALE artists, loves his BEACH BOYS and handsome AOR jerks nobody ever heard of, and...LIBERACE. 

"HANS" feels so LUCKY when he can flirt with some guy in the shoutbox. He can be SUCH a coquette, sitting in his Badhoevedorp government-subsidized sterile roadhouse, wear his drag, and daintily type out his requests. "anybody here has his christmas album." 

And sure enough, YOUR DONG or whatever his name is, serves it right up.  Too bad "HANS" like too many promiscuous bitchy queers turns on his gay friends after a while. Either they don't like this choices in gay porn or they get tired of his drag and his whines and his lies and his schizoid moods. And the games...the endless moronic GAMES.

Here's "HANS" refusing to be like everyone else, and be STRAIGHT, and post a link without trying to be "clever." 

Here's HANS pretending he knows George Winston and Winston told him to post dreary "new age" garbage to people who don't want it: 

He's bragged about owning every numb-nuts Windham Hill album ever made, but the coquette wants attention, so he coyly asks for more. Scarlett O'Hara in crinolines, sitting in a windmill, begging for MORE of Windham Hill because, fiddle-dee-dee, he's got TINNITIS and this is all he can listen to. Supposedly. Wait for the NEXT post and see what a fucking LIAR he is.

 Poor five-year-old HANSY PANSY needs MORE soft, soft, limp, dickless WINDHAM HILL music. Except the next day he's crying about wanting jarring BONZO DOG BAND rock:

Lastly, yes, "HANS" is still up to his bombastic bullshit game of posting a MYSTERY link. He hypes the shit out of it, like gouda-stinking shit flopping out of his fat diverticulitis-pitted asshole. Oooh ooh everybody, have you heard THIS a zillion times from him? "THE BEST" C&W album ever, or "THE BEST" soft music album ever...and if you click on it, you realize: "HANS" is such a WASTE OF SPACE. He is such a loser. He is such a nobody. He is SO PATHETIC. 

Do you need to know that this was a piece of shit from The Turd Brain of Badhoevedorp? 

COUNTDOWN CONTINUES. He threatens to leave the shoutbox? Threatens to never up links. Threatens to go outside of his windmill and run away and hold his breath till his ugly blubber-lipped face turns blue? 


Is he REALLY going to FUCK OFF at the end of 2019. Every time he posts another of his brainless COUNTDOWN posts, he acts like it's THE END OF THE WORLD. Ha ha. 

He warns everyone, with many a nasty remark, that they better get the GOODIES now, because soon it will be OVER. Hee hee.

Take a look at this typical GET ATTENTION whine-rant-bullshit load. HO HO HO:

Yeah. "grow up please"

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