Sunday, June 7, 2020

Hanzie Hitler the Creep -- wants Comments but gets NO COMMENTS

Once a useless ugly creep, always a useless ugly creep. Here's HANZIE when he was just a nasty, round-faced kleptomaniac. What do you think he was doing in that picture, stealing coins from a blind newspaper dealer?

He's been posting on one of his endless low-view Cheap Dutchman free blogs, some of his stolen bootleg tapes. Most of his "Wall of Tapes" collection is stuff he stole from record stores and put his name on. It's stuff he "traded" with people and then pretended was recorded by HIM. Just part of his kleptomania and lying. 

Anybody care about his 40 year-old GARBAGE? No, either everybody's heard this crap already, or it's so dull and boring NOBODY even wants to bother. Yawn yawn yawn. Mr. Garbled-Brain posted about an "H and O" concert.

What, H and O is code? Why doesn't the jerk say HALL and OATES? Because he's too much of a tight-ass game-player. You have to GUESS what he's talking about, which is never easy when he can hardly write a sentence in ENGLISH. 

His "H and O" tape, he bragged, is "one of my finest tapes." Yawwwwn. Tell us more, Oh Windy, Addled, Senile Old Fart: 

"just now I re riped the tape, side is still good...but my deck ate part two...last part is other music, I have no idea what." 

Isn't that EXCITING? Anything else, vagina-pube-face? Turkey lower lip boy? Sad, lonely retard? 

"the Flac link is good for 10 days." 

Oh yes, always a time limit from the control freak Bad Santa, who never EVER gives anything away without strings attached. What else, HANZIE?

"Let me know what you think." 

Guess what. NO COMMENTS! 


"let me know what you think." NOBODY DID:

Nobody likes HANZIE. He can't buy friends. He can't give away things and be liked for it. In the real world, he's like some filthy bum on the street who has a job handing out leaflets. Somebody reluctantly takes the leaflet just to keep the bum from pestering him all the way down the street, and then tosses the leaflet in the trash and wipes his hands. 

That's HANZIE. If somehow he posts something that a person might want "just to have....maybe to listen to someday," it's downloaded with NO thanks or comment, because HANZIE is a CREEP and a LOSER and he's been too much of a jerk and an asshole to encourage with a "thank you." The phrase that comes to mind with HANZIE? Not "Thank you." It's "FUCK YOU."

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