Oh, look who lovelorn lonely loser "HANS" DE VENTE is sucking on now:
Yes, on Free Blog #59580923 the ex-Blogfather, now a sad old wimp in drag, sitting his fat decayed ass at his computer, offers "ANDY."
Oooh ooh. Is Hanzie going to pretend he knew "ANDY" by first name? Since he's been a liar all his life, he might as well pretend Andy Williams was a CLOSE FRIEND. The only reason he hasn't embellished this post is that his rotting gouda-brain can't function too well. Maybe one garbled sentence is all he can manage.
Back when he was the blog world's biggest bully and most obnoxious pest, he insisted ANDY PARTRIDGE was his best friend at one time ("now for some reason he won't answer my emails"). He insisted he was a "close personal friend" of David Byrne and all the TALKING HEADS. If he pestered somebody for an autograph after a show, he posted it and bragged about his "friend" signing it for him. Brian Wilson? Another close personal friend.
That's why he lives with his brain-damaged "darling" wife in Badhoevedorp, an emotional cripple and a pariah loathed by his neighbors? In reality, he was always a blow-hard nobody, and anyone he managed to con with his faked-up SONY NEDERLANDS credentials as a big shot producer or A&R man, quickly moved away from him as they would a fat skunk.
HANZIE is still an egomaniac, though. What's he posted on that latest FREE BLOG that hardly anyone has visited? What's this useless Cheap Dutchman proclaiming now?
He's the virus. He's been a plague for decades, one of the most persistent dirt bags on the Internet. That goes for his first fights with USENET people (where he cursed anyone with an opposite opinion and demanded people "trade" Beach Boys VHS tapes and pay for his postage to Holland). That goes for when he started blogging and began deleting links from his rivals. That goes for his pioneering "hate blogs" where he went after anyone his paranoid pimple-of-a-brain thought was against him. That goes for his HACKING of the DejaVu forum and how he drove people away from GROOVYFAB and ITSPSYCH etc. with his deleting, his multiple identities, his fake illnesses and his ridiculous boasts about knowing famous rock stars.
"FUCK THE VIRUS." What next, he'll claim that he's got it, and hope to get a few "nice words" and some attention? He's claimed all kinds of diseases in the past. He's gotten pretty SAPPY about being "scared shitless." Or is it he's gotten pretty SHITTY about being scared sappy?
Oh oh, here's big news everybody:
Any wonder people wish he would GO AWAY and STOP POSTING and STOP BLOGGING and try to REALLY make "use of the time left?"
As his eyes dim, his brainstem shudders, his body decays and his brain turns to mush, he is as ignored as any deposed dictator or Nazi jailed for his war crimes.
All he can do is post impotent nonsense like "FUCK THE VIRUS" and...
How about "HANK" again and again and again?
He just LOVES his Hank Williams. Zzzzz.
He posted it on his latest zzzzzzz blog. Free Blog #89052895
Oh, but a TEN DAY ONLY LINK, so, ACH TUNG, better act FAST!
Any wonder the Zinhof shoutbox people HATE him and IGNORE him?
What a NAGGY old queen HANZIE is.
NOBODY cares about his endless sad flogging of HANK WILLIAMS shit:
12 is pretty much his IQ and his current emotional age. He's always been a foul-mouthed, selfish, ugly BRAT. Back when he threw tantrums and raved "MY BLOG CAN BEAT YOUR BLOG" he had hundreds upon hundreds of hits. Now that people can use torrents, now that there are zillions of forums and streaming sites, and blogs and shoutboxes are DEAD...he's a dinosaur.
NOBODY was interested in his feeble, badly recorded bootleg of DION either, so he cried out in the wilderness:
HANZIE is just so pathetic. He was always clueless. Now he is almost brain dead.
most, he does not even exist. He is beginning to realize what NOTHING
is, because that is what the ex-Blogfather is to to the rest of the
world. NOTHING.
WHAT A LOSER. These last
few years have been a limping hobble into oblivion. He is in limbo.
Purgatory is next. And then HELL. It's called KARMA.
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