Brain-Atrophied "Hans" is up to his usual limp games. In case anyone
cares. And few do, since he gets almost NO response to any desperate,
idiotic posts he makes. His monotonous blogs get a pitiful few dozen hits a week.
Zzzzz. What's his FAVORITE thing to do? Hansy Hitler LOVES to dictate:
Hey Hansy Hitler, notice anyone requesting ANYTHING from you, you ugly, frog-faced cunt? NOPE.
"now the second link...10days..." His usual badly typed nonsense, and RULES. Everyone else simply posts without
pestering anyone with RULES and TIME LIMITS. Or bullshit incoherent brain-damaged crap
"Hans" posted that one to himself (wyslwyg to wyslwyg!) because his brain is rotting. He's even more idiotic than usual. When he feels like posting rapidgator to make money for his cheap Dutch self, he does. When he decides to torture everyone with his "only 10days" crap, he does. He does what he wants in his dizzy dopey Dutch world of dipshittery. Isn't he an ASSHOLE?
What else is occupying Demented De Vente as he wastes the last days he has left?
Insane, Mr. No Sense, Mr. Dementia-Gouda-Brain posts shit and doesn't
even know what it is. He posts CARTOONS in a music shoutbox, and then
asks if anyone knows what the FUCK he posted!
"Hans" truly has BRAIN ROT, doesn't he! "anybody knows anything about these?"
most demented old farts, Limp Dick De Vente talks to himself. Here, he
natters in the shoutbox and nobody pays much attention because they know
he's a waste of space. Others post short sentences, and here he is,
nattering on and on...
cares about this cheap Dutchman with his shitty taste in music? Oooh
ooh, more Hank Williams, ooh ooh, more Tokyo garbage and Windham Hill
What else does he do? He mopes
about how he's dying. Here's some typical time-wasting nattering that
ends with some grumbles about how he doesn't have much time left (so
he's wasting HIS time and everyone else's). It's his PLEASURE to be a
total asshole, and call attention to how GENEROUS he is with one or two
posts, while others give away dozens of worthwhile albums that 40 or 50
might actually download and want to hear.
Ha ha, HANSY. "I used to have a watch, now I have time." OH HO HO HO.
ho long is anybody's guess." Right, everyone's been asking WHEN IS HE
GOING TO DIE ALREADY? Even if he's Zinhof's old old boyfriend, he's a
DRAG. He should be kicked out. But Zinhof has even less of a command of
English than Hansy, and loves Hansy SOOOOO much. Or, is afraid Hansy
will use a hate blog (something he invented) to post Nude Zinhof
frontals, and anus shots, and tell the world where he lives. Hansy is
deadly that way.
Most people only wish a jerk like "Hans" would be banished....
bad another problem is Hansy has hacked forums and deleted everyone's
posts in the forums, and "Zin" might be scared shitless that Hans the
Deleter will do even more "games." Here's "Hans" admitting how much he
likes to play DELETE games:
he plays games and HE deletes. HE deletes files from people he doesn't
like. When he gets jealous he goes on deletion bins. Then he quickly
deletes some of his own links and pretends that he's been a victim too.
Pretty clever for a Brain Rotting fool? No, he's been found out and
kicked out of forums so often he's now just a timorous sissy who asks
"kind people" to please give him things and pay attention, and visit one
of his loser-blogs that get so few hits.
please, won't some KIND person give him the complete "Freaks and
Geeks?" But is "Hans" a FREAK or a GEEK? Both. He's also half man half
woman. He's also more than half dead.
ever replies to anything this rabid baby cries about. Here's MRS. BRAIN
ROT going on and on and on. Just another example of how warped and
incoherent he is, and he's getting worse....
a paranoid fat Hitler he is, and he's making less sense every day. One
day he was crying that his HEALTH was SO important and he was not going
to be posting. That lasted less than 24 hours. Now he's back to being a
dribbling psycho lunatic, raving in that government-subsidized sterile
"home" in Badhoevedorp, while his neighbors sniff the air and wonder
what's rotting.
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