Here's the Fairy Blogfather advising the WORLD what to do:
This self-important brain-damaged SLOB thinks people need HIM to say "Stay at Home?"
Who is he? Just a Limp Dick High-Voiced Fairy Blogfather TWIT!
Gosh, "HANS," what a TIMELY WARNING. Stay At Home "SAFE YOUR LIFE."
Mr. English as a Second Language.
HANZIE is telling you to "SAFE YOUR LIFE!"
HOW DELUSIONAL does it get. HANZIE thinks he can write in ENGLISH!
Meanwhile he pollutes the shoutbox with his DULL nonsense, boasting about nothing, and as usual, putting in a LINK to get people to come and look at his latest moronic BLOG entry.
People in the shoutbox know to ignore him, but he persists in smelling up the place with dumb posts like this:
Anyone impressed?
How delusional does this lonely Limp Dick get? This is how he spends
his doddering, increasingly rotting last years.
Nobody does. Senile Sake Johannes De Vente keeps posting more. What a zombie. The living dead?
He might as well be REALLY DEAD.
Nobody cares anymore. Sake Johannes De
Vente, a waste of space all his life, is such a pathetic fool. He drones
on. NOBODY pays attention.
His last days
involve sadly predictable and boring shoutbox sobs. He desperately
wants people to visit is BLOG. He won't post a link in the shoutbox.
No, HANZIE HITLER has RULES. You MUST go visit his BLOG to get his
GOODIES. Ooof. No wonder people look at him the way they look at puke.
Here he goes again, limp dick numbnuts "HANS" posting a link to his
stupid BLOG (blog #2849283). Mrs. Senility is babbling about boring
manure-music only HE cares about.
Ignore a sad, sad, SAD old man who has NO FRIENDS in the real world
because he's such a creep. Smells bad, too. Wears the same ugly shirt
every day.
Anyone feel SORRY for lonely ridiculous old "HANS" anymore. No.
They've heard his high-pitched womanly SOBS in his videos. He and his
retarded wife are both sopranos. "HANS" sounds like a girl. He IS a
girl. He's always carrying on about how much he CRIES. Whatever the
alias...he CRIES and CRIES
CRY CRY CRY. Then he wipes his ugly big nose, wipes the snot off that
grotesque lower lip, and hobbles back to the shoutbox for another
attempt at attention. Oh, another "10 DAYS ONLY" link nobody thanked him
One reason nobody cares about "HANS" is he's so BORING.
Another is everyone knows that any attention turns him into an
obnoxious egotistical Blogfather Hanzie Hitler, using his favorite
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