Sunday, August 25, 2019


Longtime "fans" of HANS know he's a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR.

One of his BIGGEST LIES is that he BUYS things just to COPY AND GIVE AWAY. 

This is a cheap Dutchman who routinely goes into a shoutbox and whines "Anybody got a SONG I want? I'll have to pay a EURO on iTunes if nobody will be kind and GIVE IT TO ME." 

This prick won't spend a EURO on a song, and he's going to spend $900 to give away a Woodstock box set? No, he waited for EXYSTENCE.NET to post it and THEN he stole it away and bragged "Here is THE MOTHERLODE." 

He STOLE a boxed set off ZINHOF and had the fucking NERVE to lie about it. By a remarkable coincidence, he JUST happened to post it on his NEW blog at the same time. 

Rube pinhead morons in the shoutbox defend this asshole? Is it beause they are STUPID? Or because they desperately need his GOODIES? How pathetic does it get? 

Hey, dumbass defenders of HANS. He's been an obnoxious disruptive piece of Dutch SHIT for over 13 years. Check out the blogs about him that go back OVER A DECADE, before YOU decided to pat his poor sad head and feel sorry for him because you didn't know all the CRAP he pulled.

Do you remember how he's cried that he has TINNITIS? "I can not listen to music anymore, but I will upload it for OTHERS TO ENJOY." That was a favorite whine, right up there with "it does not look good i have had a stroke" and "my wife fell down stairs" and "they have found a tumor in my brain."

Yeah? Tinnitis? Every time he's pulled that line, he's counted on MORONS to forget, and just listen to his greedy whine for MORE MUSIC FOR HIM TO HEAR.

He's said over and over "i can not listen to music any more because of my tinnitis. i will keep posting music for others to enjoy." Then a few days later he's asking for music he wants to hear.

Hey MORONS, if this guy is bragging about buying a $900 set of WOODSTOCK to give away, why is he asking YOU for a fucking 2 CD soundtrack he can find on eBay for a few EUROS? Understand? How STUPID and GULLIBLE are you? 

What is your answer to HANSY and his TINNITIS lie? Or how he obviously STEALS posts and re-ups them while pretending HE bought it JUST FOR YOU to enjoy??" 

Hansy Pansy has been pulling this crap constantly. He relies on STUPID GULLIBLE IDIOTS to say "Gosh, he's giving us shit. He must be a GOOD MAN." 

Go find Jon Chapple, who ran IT'S PSYCH, and not only defended Hans but kicked out ANYONE who complained about him. After a while, Jon saw how Hans was using multiple identities, making up insane lies ("I have Diverticulitis, I am dying") and talking to himself and praising himself ("Cal E. Fornia posts great stuff!" "Yes, so does Ken Tucky. These are two real good guys...") That kind of SHIT. 

He sits back on his ugly fat ass and enjoys how STUPID GULLIBLE PEOPLE fight about him. He feels like SUCH a desirable damsel. 

As for being the DELETER, that is beyond obvious. He uses his SONY connections to delete. He contacts right owners and has THEM delete. He uses every trick in the book and he is MOST PRONE TO DELETING when somebody is getting more attention than he is. The coincidences of when an item is deleted and when HE is around are way too much for anyone who isn't STUPID or GULLIBLE to belief.

It's just possible that there are rotten people in the world. One of the rotten people JUST might be  SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE, who has used hundreds of aliases, and who has threatened people, created hate blogs, bullied people, and deleted people, and wished people DEAD of "AIDS WITH EBOLA."

Thursday, August 22, 2019


WHY does Hans De Vente delete any files he can? So he can get MORE ATTENTION.

He even deletes his own files so that he can scream "GET THEM NOW BEFORE THEY ARE DELETED." That's how much of a crazy demented jerk he is. 

All through his warped blogging and forum-pestering and shoutbox bullshit, he's deleted files and picked fights and stolen from other bloggers. Why? Anything to relieve the boredom of being HANS DE VENTE, a useless impotent old fool with an autistic wife, living in a crappy rowhouse in a flat boring town in Holland.

How often does he pretend he's an AMERICAN. "I live in Palm Springs!" 

That's DEMENTED DEVENTE, inventing enemies as often as he invents new names for himself, heroically re-upping files, making people jump through hoops to get anything ("the secret is the top post of my blog") and always using idiot places like YDRAY so he can put a time limit on the generosity, and always "GET THEM NOW BEFORE THEY ARE DELETED." 

Stupid idiot "English as a Second Language" Hans always gives himself away, just as often as he gives away stale "goodies" like TIME LIFE box sets and lame "new age" music and boring boring old Beach Boys shit everybody has. 

Dizzy Demented DeVente is always ready to steal somebody else's links, re-up them to his own blog, and then DELETE them if he doesn't get enough ATTENTION or COMMENTS.

You can see his history of DELETING on other blogs. When he became a pain in the ass at the GROOVYFAB forum, they knew how to handle the little prick. They HACKED his email and they posted his EMAILS where he ratted out his enemy bloggers and either deleted the files himself (he managed to hold onto a SONY.NL email even after he got fired) or contacted rights owners and gave them the links. 

When all else fails, he will cry that "my wife fell downstairs" or "i am going away to the hospital, it does not look good." 

Sunday, August 18, 2019


He's got a DEATH WISH.

It's Sake Johannes De Vente, aka Hans De Vente, aka DOUG, JAN, THE UNIT, CAL E. FORNIA and dozens more aliases. 

Now he's using to steal from

He doesn't think they should make Rapidgator money. 

He also wants all the NICE COMMENTS for himself.  

UNIT in Zinhof's little shoubox again,, stealing from EXYSTENCE.NET: 

 The little criminals in the shoutbox know to ask HANSY PANSY to go over to EXYSTENCE.NET and ITSONLYROCKANDROLL and use his Rapidgator account, download the shit, and then give it to dozens of others for FREEEEEE. Here's Diddy Diddy Didier begging his boyfriend HANSY for music he saw at EXY, and HANSY the UNIT playing GOD:

Devente is "on the government's teat." Holland gives him welfare, and he uses it for a Rapidgator account. He steals from "rich" people like EXYSTENCE and re-ups to YDRAY or IMAGENETZ. 

That's Hans saying "look at me i give you free music and you don't have to go to anyone but MEEEEEE! i have so many friends who need me to get muuuuusic for them!!"

Demented DeVente has been doing this since 2006 when he was BLOGFATHER and screaming "My blog can beat YOUR blog." 

Now that BREIN has enough ammunition to put him in solitary confinment till he croaks, he tiptoes around a shoutbox and sneaks around opening and closing blogs, JUST to fuck EXYSTENCE.NET and ITSONLYROCK'N'ROLL and anyone else more successful than he is. 

The ugly blubber-lip pubic-bearded drag-loving fruitcake from Badhoevedorp is ALWAYS pretending he's in America. No, he's not an American. His "English as Second Language" posts betray him for what he is, a gouda-breathing semen-sucking windmill-brained piece of Netherlands Nobody. 

Here he is bragging in the Zinhof shitbox that he stole from EXY and the crap is now on his new blog: 

He deletes files from his enemies, sadistically tells his homo friends they have ONLY 10 DAYS to get his Ydray downloads, and then he usually deletes those before the deadline, just to play games. 

He hasn't called RYP from "Ride your Pony" blog an "asshole" lately, but he sure thinks the guy who runs is an asshole, and one to doesn't deserve to get attention. Not when it should go to HANS DE VENTE. 

At this point, the SHOUTBOX homos all know that anything at Exystence they can ask Hansy to steal and upload at YDRAY instead. Here's dippy Didier the French Fruitcake, one of several of the Dutch Douche's dick-suckers, pointing to Exystence.Net files. Which then get stolen by De Vente. 

 Right, Didier, as soon as you post it, HANS will download it all for you, and put it on YDRAY moaning, "it took me all day!" Then HANS will challenge anyone who objects: "you pay $700 for this if you don't like it!" Then maybe he uses the old catch-phrase from 2006 when he was boasting about being the BLOGFATHER: "My way or the highway."

ITSONLYROCKNROLL? Hey, they don't deserve RAPIDGATOR money. HANS is on the government teat, so HE doesn't care about money. He's also a nasty egomaniac, a bully, an insane freak, a cowardly thief, and a blubber-lip sociopath.

Here he is, with nothing better to do than download with his Rapidgator account, and hope that hundreds of people will come swarming in to get his YDRAY free version. He even posts a link to ITSONLYROCKNROLL so people can see all the pretty photos and text first: 

Ha ha, ITSONLYROCKNROLL, you do all the hard work, including posting the album covers, and HANSY PANSY has his boyfriends shouting, "We LIKE HANS! WE REALY LIKE HIM!"

Of course, if Hans has a stroke and drops dead,  it would take a few weeks before anyone even asked, "Where's the Dutch Douche, aka Doug, Jan, Unit?" Followed by, "RIP. Too bad. Anybody got..." 

Hans De Vente is a nobody. A failure. A useless and forgettable limp dick ugly misfit. Is father beat him, but should have beaten him to death.


We all know HANS DE VENTE's parents were Nazis.

When the Nazis came to Holland, they found The De Ventes ready willing and able to help. "Whatever you want, whatever you need, just ask us!" 

That's what ugly little Johannes heard from Mama and Papa. That's why to this day, one of his favorite wheedles is to go into the Zinhof shoutbox and ask "Anybody need?" 

One of Hansy's cocksuckers, Yourdon (he and JOAO are an item so maybe they all share gay porn by email) quickly squeals "I'm interested in Jimmy Thackery." This is after  JAN (HANS) posted "Anybody want 10GB" and then pestered a second time, "guess nobody is interested" with a threat of NOT giving away the GOODIES.


Hans learned to hate Jews from his parents. You know, "those Jewish boys" Simon and Garfunkel. "Zimmerman." Jews don't deserve to make money. 

Guess what. Hans figures rival bloggers are dirty Jews who also don't deserve to make money. Exystence and ITSONLYROCKANDROLL have become favorite targets because they want to make Rapidgator money. 

Hans De Vente is so insane, he actually pays for a Rapidgator account...JUST to download shit he doesn't even care about, so he can re-up and screw these two bloggers...and get NICE comments from his cheapskate homo friends in the shoutbox.

People in Germany: "Hitler is a great fellow. He hates the Jews! They don't deserve to live here!"

People in the Shoutbox: "Hans is a great fellow. He makes sure we don't need a Rapidgator account and DON'T waste time with EXY and the other jerks. What a sweetie!" 

Here's Hans, aka JAN, aka UNIT, declaring that he can do anything he pleases, just like his idol Adolf Hitler. Remember, Hans used to call himself AYATOLLAH and BLOGFATHER. He didn't call himself FUHRER out of respect for the memory of his parents' idol.

"as long as my posts are good, and wanted, no one cares" about what a creep Sake Johannes De Vente is, or how he's a thief and a sell-out and he'll fuck over other bloggers just to get a compliment. Right, Hans, you're not a useless, half-dead limpdick. YOU give away music you stole. That makes you...WHAT?

Zinhof can't keep people out of the shoutbox. They can get back in, just as Hansy can always skip around with a dozen names, sometimes complimenting himself. Here's Ragnar laughing at the time-wasting pathetic Dutch Douche:

What could possibly be the adult response to Ragnar's truth and logic? 

Oh, let's see what a Polish anti-Semite friend of Hans de Vente had for a reply....

Spoken like a true Polish blockhead; a dumb clod who'd let Nazis rape his sister if they gave him a bar of chocolate.

Smirking blubber-lip Devente is wasting what's left of his worthless life stealing from and using his Rapidgator account to download and then re-up for his boyfriends in Zinhof's shoutbox. None of these boyfriends would donate to GoFundMe if Hans actually developed a life-threatening illness.

Here's Hans using a typically stupid defense against Ragnar:

When Mussolini tortured and killed his rivals, and threw Italy into a World War that murdered thousands upon thousands of Italian soldiers, what was HIS defense? "Yeah, I made the trains run on time. Let's see YOU make trains run on time!"

Here are two more idiots in the shoutbox who figure if Hans steals from other bloggers, so what? As long as THEY get free music! They have all the morality of rattlesnakes. 

What did Goebbels and Mad Dr. Mengele say about Hitler? "We LIKE him!" He put us on the payroll. We get from him! The Jews didn't put us into power. So we LIKE Hitler and hate the JEWS!

And yes, love Hansy Pansy and spit at and any other blogger who has the nerve to use Rapidgator! 

One of the stupid things about this, is that it's easy for anyone to check out what's in Zinhof's shoutbox, and it would be a simple matter to a) make sure record labels or BREIN or GEMA shut it down or b) get other bloggers riled enough to get a hacker to simply fuck the shoutbox up until all of its roaches go scurrying away.,

Hansy Pansy defends stealing from another blogger: "let me see YOU post 38 cds..."

Why bother? Why not let alone? 

Hey, Hans, let's see YOU actually post 38 cds. You didn't. You just copied them off, which took NO hard work at all.

Limp Dick Devente has been a thief all his life, and admitted using his "thieving hands" to acquire "goodies" from stores. Also from record company offices where he used bogus SONY stationery to pretend he was an executive there and not a gofer.

Stealing from and ITSONLYROCKNROLL, taking money out of their pockets by skipping away with their Rapidgator links and uploading to YDRAY for his could get Hans De Vente blinded or beaten. 

Badhoevedorp is easy enough to reach. Dellaertlaan is a street easy to navigate. As to the actual number? GOOGLE is your friend. And Hansy's worst enemy. He THINKS that getting free blogs from them means they like him. 

One day you can GOOGLE his obituary. He does have a DEATH WISH. 

Hans is terrified that the stress he causes himself will lead to a stroke or a heart attack. He can't help it. He needs tumult to make him think he's alive. 

He craves attention even if involves sitting at his computer in his drag ensemble, while a few of his homo friends defend him while a few NORMAL people like Ragnar tell the truth about his games, coquette games and utterly pathetic stealing. 

Hans is scared that at 73, he will REALLY have more debilitating problems than a limp dick. His growing fear of spending his last days with tubes coming out of his ugly nose is leading him to take more and more sleeping pills. He's confided that, and more, to people who actually hate him. There might be more people gathering all the information on De Vente than there are people getting dopey downloads in a Croatian shitbox.

Mussolini was hanged by his heels. Hitler killed himself. "I made the trains run" and "I got rid of Jews" wasn't enough. "I stole Rapidgator files to give to cheap shits in a shoutbox" and "Here are more goodies for you" won't be enough. DEAD DEVENTE and forgotten the next day. "Oh, Hans is dead? Anybody got...." 

Friday, August 16, 2019

Hans De Vente who Steals from Other Bloggers - closes his blog (will get another soon?) Oh, LOOK AT HIS TOYS!

The thief living in Badhoevedorp, Sake Johannes De Vente, shut down

This is a wise thing. His FULL ADDRESS and his PHONE NUMBER are now known to every blogger he stole from. The information is also in the hands of the RIAA, BPI, BREIN and other interested parties. 

Johannes, who has stopped calling himself HANS and was the androgynous JAN for quite a while, is now calling himself UNIT. 

He is a UNIT all right. A little DICK. 

He's 73 years-old and acts like he's 7. This includes his outrageous lies, his brainless puns, his nasty practical jokes (including the deletions of his rivals) and his transparent attempts at coming back again and again wearing different Halloween masks (Doug, Mary, Cal E. Fornia, etc. etc.). "I am from Palm Springs!" "I am from California!" "I live in Kentucky!" 

In Zinhof's shitbox, UNIT has declared that he's made his FIRST POST. Whee. Except he's made thousands of them (links stolen from other bloggers) under dozens of other names, and he's even used UNIT before.

Hello sad, pathetic loser De Vente: 

Yes, the asshole called UNIT calls attention "FOR MY FIRST POST..." 

When will he add "I now have a BLOG..." 

He's such a masochist, such a sicko who loves attention even when it's negative, he just might be dumb enough to add to the stress that will explode his brainstem and stop his fat-covered heart, by continuing to be a JERK. 

Meanwhile, 7 year-old Demented Devente created a blog just to show off his JOHN DEERE toys.  He put each precious TOY (some still in the BOX) in front of his fabulous JOHN DEERE poster to take a picture. There are dozens of these stupid pictures. Here's just a sample of them. 

It's just more proof that this is DEMENTED HANS DEVENTE,  who has the mentality of a nasty child: one who lies, cheats, steals, throws rocks, does anything to be destructive and to get attention. "My father beat me," Hans used to cry, whenever he got "bad" comments on his Hanszun blog and wanted sympathy. Obviously, his father didn't beat him ENOUGH.

All this and MORON, at

Maybe this "occupational therapy" of returning to childhood will help Johannes stay alive, and not be thrown in jail or get his fingers broken. Being an obnoxious music thief and stealing from other bloggers is NOT the way to stay healthy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"Good Man " Hans De Vente back to Cursing his Rivals: EXYSTENCE, TWILIGHT ZONE and ITSONLYROCKANDROLL

How often has Hans De Vente insisted he's a "good man?" That he's "generous" and "nice" and has never done ANYTHING to make people hate him? 

You can read all about his over FIFTEEN YEARS of snarling, "Blogfather" raging, deleting, impersonating people, starting fights and asking to have rivals "taken care of." It's on many blogs. 

Let's talk about the PRESENT. Here he is, as JAN (just his latest alias at Zinhof's shoutbox) telling the world what ASSHOLES his rivals are! 


Right, right, as he did when he was deleting files from Chocoreve and ChrisGoesRock years ago, he's complaining that "they are master of the universe." ASSHOLES.

Because there can only be ONE Blogfather, one Ayatollah of Music...HANS DE VENTE. Even now that he's old and sick and could easily get a knock on the door from BREIN at any moment (or from a fan of some musician he's abused), psycho Hans De Vente has to cause trouble.

Why is he bitching about EXYSTENCE, TWILIGHT ZONE or ITSONLYROCKANDROLL (where "Green" posts music Hans steals)? They are ALL fed up with him, like 99% of the blog world. 

They don't like his deletions, his boasts, his shitty jokes, and most of all, his pathological STEALING. Somehow, it's ok for HIM to steal from other bloggers. He comes up with all kinds of excuses, like "i post at ydray so you can all get it easier" and say "thank you are the best!" 

Hans was always a cheating, bratty, obnoxious creep. HE STILL IS.

Bad Santa figures that stupid, greedy people will simply be glad to get the stolen GOODIES, and not question where they came from. "Ha ha ho ho hee hee," says Hansy as he dances around his windmill at Badhoevedorp, "I got a NICE COMMENT and that ASSHOLE from Twilight Zone didn't!"

There's no honor among thieves? The others don't steal from the competition and try to rationalize it. 

Hans De Vente? He keeps right on stealing, deleting, and denying that he's a total sociopathic prick. 

Hans De Vente is always denying he did anything wrong, denying he's back under a new name, denying that he's even in Holland ("i am in Palm Springs!") 

Like a brat who gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, once he's outed, he admits it and dares anyone to do anything about it. Here is is, boldly admitting he's stolen entire Elvis discographies from other bloggers:

PS, just to be even more of a prick, you better type in his PASSWORD to get the GOODIES. 

The password
its jan, my name is jan, short for johannes, my real first"

LOL. How many years did he insist he's "HANS DE VENTE" before he got outed and the truth was known? How many aliases has he used in Zinhof's shoutbox (including a variety of GIRLY names) before he decided to try the androgyne-name JAN? 

Whatever the name, he's still stealing from other bloggers and acting like he is entitled to do it. 

Monday, August 12, 2019


When a rapist is caught, what does he say? 

"Yeah, well, she was no virgin." Or "She wouldn't put out and I gave her dinner." Or "She should have known better than to date me." 


The old bastard routinely denies, and denies his latest alias and his latest thievery — and then when it's painfully obvious to everyone, he acts like he's ENTITLED to do it. 

Every other uploader posts from their own CDs or even takes the time to make a file from VINYL. Not the Dutch Douche. Now outed, he counts on greed to absolve him: 

He steals off somebody else's blog, posts it for 10 days on HIS blog, and asks "is everybody happy with that?" 

"Oh, DELIRIOUS, SO HAPPY. THANK YOU BAD SANTA. Stealing somebody else's links is the RIGHT thing to do."

Except NOBODY said "Thanks, keep going." People ignore the sad, lonely old asshole. They know he's a pariah. They know that he's full of shit when he says "everything they say about me is a lie." 

When he was caught stealing files he denied it. Now he's hoping everybody wants his second-hand thefts from the uploaders GREEN and EXYSTENCE.

Everybody knows they can go get these items from the bloggers. They can find them from all the other usual suspects HANS DE VENTE STEALS FROM. Boring Hans uploads it anyway, as everyone rolls their eyes and looks to ANYONE but JAN for something interesting. 

This is why HANS DE VENTE is known as "The Dutch Douche." "Psycho Hans." "Mr. Sociopath." "The Ugly Blubber Boy." And much more. 

One or two idiots will excuse it: "He's complicated." "He means well." "He is giving us nice music even if he has tinnitus and can't enjoy music himself!" 

DEMENTED DEVENTE is as much of a rotten, ill-mannered, spoiled, selfish, devious brat at 73 as he was at 7 when his father kept trying to beat some sense into him. His father hated him. His mother hated him. Every employee fired him. 

What can you say about someone whose excuse for STEALING FROM OTHER BLOGGERS is that HE wants the attention?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

HANS DE VENTE - can't spell, has no sense of humor, STEALS FROM OTHER BLOGGERS. A Trifecta of TWATNESS

How calling himself JD (Jerky Dutchman), Hans DeVente continues to display for any newcomers, why he's LOATHED for all these years.

He never changes. Not even his adult diapers. 

He STILL can't be anything but childish, stubbornly stupid, and utterly worthless. 

Gee, folks, how many of you DON'T have all the Elvis Presley you need by now? Here's HANSY...


See, after a while, Liar Hans can't defend against "why are you stealing music." He can't keep saying, "No, that's not true. I am innocent. I am a nice man." 

Yeah, he says, I've STOLEN it all. So? You get the GOODIES free anyway. So shut up. 

In this case he stole it from Exystence. But it's MY UPLOAD" now, as long as you jump through his hoops and use his password. 

Obnoxious Hans who is SO generous won't even tell what the password is: "GUESS...BY NOW YOU SHOULD KNOW." 

What a SWEETIE. 

What else do people LIKE about Hans? It isn't his stupid sense of humor. Oh, WHAT a hilarious joke about Crosby, Still, Nash, Young...BLACK AND DECKER. HA HA HA HAAAAANSY.

He doesn't give a shit if it's "low bitrates." 

Anyone NOT have all the CSNY they could EVER EVER listen to? 

Why does Hans do this? Because he has NO life. He has NO friends. He has a retarded dummy living with him who has an idiot half-grin on her wrinkled face and can barely say HALLO. 

Nearly 20 years ago he sobbed "Blogging saved my life." It gave him something to do: be an asshole. Steal from other bloggers. Become "The Blogfather" by getting all the attention for himself and insulting others and sending death threats.


All he does is steal the lamest, most obvious stuff everyone has, and worse, garbage NOBODY wants. He wastes everyone's time posting lame-ass crap and boasting how good it is: "Levitt & McClure Is the Greatest Album Ever Made!" 

What a JD -- Jerky Dutchman. 

The asshole has the sappiest taste in soft music, but won't stop posting his gooey NEW AGE music again and again and...oh, here we go AGAIN:

He wants people to PAY for a Rapidgator account to get THIS crap. That's how much of a cheap Dutchman he really is. Easy listening BEATLES music? PLEASE! 

Notice how he calls it "WINDHMAM" Hill. Hansy thinks he's fooling anyone with his English as a Second Language illiteracy and typos? 

This moron actually still tries to convince people he lives in PALM SPRINGS, and that he drives around California all day. He actually lives in a sterile row house in Badhoevedorp where the neighbors avoid him. He's been the turd circling the drain for nearly 20 years. One day, this foul wad of shit will finally disappear into the oblivion he deserves.

Sunday, August 4, 2019




WHO WOULD DO IT? Poor Hans has to be careful. He has made a lot of enemies!

ANY NUMBER OF PEOPLE would want to chop off one of his thieving hands. You do recall how often he boasted about his "thieving hands," and how he would stuff his backpack with "stolen goodies."

FANS of ANY NUMBER OF ARTISTS SAKE JOHANNES DEVENTE has MOCKED and insulted might do it. That includes fans of NEIL "OLD" or the "TWO JEWISH BOYS" anti-Semite Hans likes to steal from and laugh at (Simon and Garfunkel).

Perhaps a record store owner that went out of business would journey to Badhoevedorp, wait for the ugly slob to lumber outside, and DO THE JOB. 

Hans De Vente has been asking for it. He's put up 100's of illegal blogs over 15 years and boasted about being the "AYATOLLAH" and the "BLOGFATHER." That's what a criminal does. He's boasted of being "on the government teat" since he turned 55, and his "hobby" is STEALING MUSIC and making life difficult for anyone trying to make a living from music. That's what getting fired from SONY does to somebody already mentally ill.

Hans De Vente IS a mindless PIG

It would be sad if RIAA, GEMA, BREIN or SONY NEDERLANDS got their lawyers on him and put him in jail.

He would be even sadder if somebody simply stalked him and cut off one of his hands. This IS a punishment used in many countries.

The difference between him and other bloggers is that HE has sent death threats to other blogger. He has urged people to "GET" rivals. HE has famously pointed to people and said "I wish you AIDS and EBOLA." 

He was also a nasty, smirking, cowardly, thieving fat bastard even before he got CAUGHT by SONY NEDERLANDS and FIRED. 

He has only gotten worse, and today's latest blog entry from him is nothing but a malicious bit of GRAND LARCENY.

That's what stealing music and offering it for hundreds of illegal free downloads is. GRAND LARCENY.

Why does he do it? Because SAKE JOHANNES DE VENTE is a MALICIOUS THIEF.

What do you do with a MALICIOUS THIEF who wants to take money away from the artists and the honest people who sell the music? CHOP OFF HIS FUCKING HAND. 


He's telling the world that they DON'T HAVE TO BUY a $49.95 CD set because HE has stolen it all for an illegal download. 

The excuse some bloggers give is "you can't buy it anywhere." De Vente shows it can be bought. HE just happens to hate the music business and wish its employees bankruptcy and starvation and death. "I wish you AIDS AND EBOLA." That is the morality of Sake Johannes De Vente.

What is the excuse here? None. This is just a cheap Dutchman. A nasty spiteful old man. A criminal. A thief. A dirty-faced low-life. Maybe he can use an INSANITY DEFENSE?

Otherwise he should be jailed. 

But somebody might just take a more vivid way of teaching him a lesson: CUT OFF ONE OF HIS HANDS. 

Can you look at the blog post where Hans De Vente brags about giving away a $50 CD set and say that it is NICE of him, MORAL or ETHICAL? 

Is this what a 73 year-old man does? Act like a 7 year-old spoiled nasty brat? 

No, Hans De Vente is not honest or honorable. He is a cheap Dutch pig. It would not be a surprise if he's done many other things to enrage Muslims in Holland, aside from SONY or music fans or people who don't appreciate anti-semitism or bullying.

No, you can only look the blogs Hans has made and know that this is a criminal.

Hans De Vente is a malicious unrepentant thief.  He's bragged about it. He's given surly excuses on why stealing music is GOOD. 

No question he's been responsible for GRAND LARCENY and thousands and thousands of dollars lost by his piracy. No question about how evil he is with his  "AYATOLLAH" and "BLOGFATHER" antics and his "WISH YOU AIDS WITH EBOLA" talk. He continues to lie, cheat and steal out of revenge and nastiness and the hatred for anyone who is talented and creative and wants to make a living from music.

Hans De Vente might just become the victim of JIHAD.