What a surprise:
"BOTH GONE." Of course. Hansy and another Zinhof shoutbix psychopath, CLIVE, take turns with their obnoxious games and sick need for attention. Put up files without a password. Put up a file and deliberately remove it within an hour just to psycho.
This is ALL that Hans De Vente has in his life: Internet games. He said it years ago: "The Internet saved my life." He was a bored, boring old Cheap Dutchman with no talent, no wit, nothing to say. He realized if he GAVE AWAY MUSIC he could be "liked." Yes, he bribed people to like him.
When he didn't get enough nice comments, and when he saw he had competition, he went NUTS. He realized it was just as much fun to be HATED as to be "liked." That's been the past 15 years and 1500 fake names and idiot blogs while this moron wasted his time and everyone else's.
What a LOSER. He leaves behind some TB drives full of crap, an autographed CD booklet from Talking Heads (without David Byrne), and one credit on an XTC album for making "noises" that nobody can even hear on a racist track about Africa.
Nobody remembers the various bloggers HANS hounded and deleted over the years, and despite his attempts at sabotage, the Zinhof shoutbox, and hundreds upon hundreds of other bloggers will continue to do what isn't too difficult: upload and download music swiped from each other. Zzzzzzzzz.
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