Starting in again...
Hansy Pansy has enough music to last the rest of his life. Hopefully it will end SOON.
And yet, here he is, with his latest identity, pestering everyone for MORE garbage.
"does anyone have..."
Does he NEED it? Does he really WANT it? No, he just has to get everyone's attention and play the DAMSEL IN DISTRESS.
The fat pussy.
Suddenly he decides he needs MORE music, when this vagina-bearded Gouda-breath blob of goo has boasted of having HOW many external drives FULL?
Remember when he claimed he was DYING and was going to will ALL of his external drives to whatever NICE person asked him NICEST?
Remember when he claimed he was DEAFENED with TINNITUS? "i can't listen to music anymore, but I will upload for others to enjoy what i can not."
This is why he's ignored, and why more and more people wish him the worst hacking nightmare of ALL time, ending with that KNOCK ON THE DOOR and Hansy and Marieke ready to do what Adolf and Eva did when THEY faced the end.
We'll see how long it takes him to become a total PAIN IN THE ASS, cursing at people, DELETING files, and pointing everyone to his idiot BLAAAAAAAAGS. How he LOVES his FREE blogs and his GAMES GAMES and MORE GAMES.
So far he's sort of laughable/tolerable. Will he start messing around, creating havoc, and stinking up the place? Will he play his "im not hans i am somebody else" game, before going bonkers and declaring he's Hans the Deleter again, and DADDY ZINHOF is protecting him? Zzzzzz. What a boring old Dutch DOUCHE.
What a sad pathetic old limp dick.
Is he really going to post more HANK WILLIAMS shit, and do his "anyone have" games and his pussy-maid "anyone want" games? Does his lame need for attention mean at ANY price, including pissing everyone off and risking that it will be the LAST TIME he's tolerated? We'll see.
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