Friday, March 6, 2020

Zzzz...DEMENTED HANS DE VENTE'S DELUSION OF THE DAY -- he's an American. Zzzzzz

We've seen this pathetic nonsense so often over the years as Mr. Cal E. Fornia --- who in reality is a limp dick ugly old cheap DUTCHMAN --- tries to convince people he's AMERICAN. 

No, his broken English fools nobody. His whining about cowboys, his nostalgia about driving down Route 66 or tooling through Nashville, or his boasts of having been in New York City on 9/11 are all LIES. 

He was born in Holland and he will DIE in Holland --- a useless loser who ended up nothing but a mooching pig "on the government teat" and public housing. He got FIRED from every job he ever had. His marriage is pathetic and his "friends" are a few sick lonely puppies thousands of miles away in Croatia or Brazil. They only share his gay photos and his snivel-wimp interest in really BAD music.

How pathetic. Hansy Pansy is in a second-rate country nobody cares about. If he posts music from his own country he would not even get the three or five downloads he gets for his wimpy new age music. 

Does he babble in his boyfriend Zinhof's shoutbox about Zoran Milanovic? Nope. Zoran, is the President of Croatia. Who cares? Nobody, but delusional, sad limp dick Hansy Pansy wants to pretend he's American and wants to talk about who he did or didn't vote for.

So here he is, with another BLAAAAAAAHHHHG, and he pretends he's American. Even more ridiculous, he acts as if a witless hat photo he stole off the Internet and put on his pathetic blog will mean ANYTHING  or change anyone's opinion or impress anyone. Delusional Dutch Douchebag.

Right, Hansy Pansy, Mr. America, you put this photo up, and it will influence the 300 million ACTUAL AMERICANS who might be voting. Ha ha HAAAAANSY. What a sad attention seeking sucker.


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